- Postal Ballot Notice and Form 05.02.2025
- Resignation Letter of Smt. Rashmi Joshi, Group CFO
- Communication for TDS on Second Interim Dividend 2024-25
- Board Meeting Outcome 05.02.2025
- Announcement under Reg. 30
- Intimation about new logo
- Communication for TDS on First Interim Dividend 2024-25
- Board Meeting Outcome 12.11.2024
- Resignation Letter of Shri Sanjay Bharadwaj, Vice President (Group Manufacturing)
- Resignation of Shri Sanjay Bharadwaj, Vice President (Group Manufacturing)
- Disruption of Operations 05.10.2024
- Certificate of New Name of the Company
- Outcome of Postal Ballot dated 23rd July, 2024
- Summary of Proceedings of the 101st AGM
- Board Meeting Outcome 13.08.2024
- Change of Name of the Company
- Appointment of Brand Ambassador
- Communication for TDS on Final Dividend 2023-24
- Board Meeting Outcome 18.05.2024
- Resignation Letter of Shri Vikas Gupta
- Resignation of Shri Vikas Gupta Executive Director (Global Sales & Marketing)
- Appointment of Shri Sanjeev Wangoo as Executive Director - Group Supply Chain and Procurement
- Communication for TDS on Second Interim Dividend 2023-24
- Record Date Notice Publication
- Board Meeting Outcome 13.02.2024
- Updates dated 19.01.2024
- Resignation of Rajinder Singh Manku
- Communication to shareholders in relation to Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Mechanism
- Updates dated 29.12.2023
- Communication to Physical Shareholders dated 12.12.2023
- Pre-Dealing Approval 04.12.2023
- Pre-Dealing Request 01.12.2023
- Communication for TDS on First Interim Dividend 2023-24
- Record Date Notice Publication
- UFR 30.09.2023 Publication
- Board Meeting Outcome 11.11.2023
- Communication to Physical Shareholders dated 29.09.2023
- Board Meeting Outcome 11.09.2023
- Resignation of Sanjoy Bhattacharya
- Summary of Proceedings of the 100th AGM
- Board Meeting Outcome 11.08.2023
- Intimation of Continuing Event
- Communication for TDS on Final Dividend 2022-23
- Board Meeting Outcome 26.05.2023
- Postal Ballot Proceedings 31.03.2023
- Updates on MD's Appointment dated 31.03.2023
- Updates dated 14.03.2023
- Postal Ballot Disclosure dated 28.02.2023
- Updates dated 16.02.2023
- Board Meeting Outcome 14.02.2023
- Communication for TDS on 2nd Interim Dividend 2022-23
- Board Meeting Outcome 14.11.2022
- Disclosure for Domain Name Change
- Summary of Proceedings of the 99th AGM
- Communication for TDS on Interim Dividend 2022-23
- Board Meeting Outcome 13.08.2022
- Tripartite Agreement Intimation 04.07.2022
- RTA Change Intimation 29.06.2022
- Communication for TDS on Final Dividend 2021-22
- Notice to Shareholders regarding Change of RTA
- Board Meeting Outcome 30.05.2022
- Communication for TDS on 2nd Interim Dividend 2021-22
- Board Meeting Outcome 14.02.2022
- Communication for TDS on Interim Dividend 2021-22
- Board Meeting Outcome 12.11.2021
- Summary of Proceedings of the 98th AGM
- Updates dated 04.09.2021
- Board Meeting Outcome 13.08.2021
- Updates dated 04.08.2021
- Updates dated 03.08.2021
- Updates1 dated 28.07.2021
- Updates2 dated 28.07.2021
- Communication for TDS on Final Dividend 2020-21
- Postal Ballot Proceedings 16.07.2021
- Dividend Updates 16.07.2021
- Board Meeting Outcome 10.06.2021
- Updates dated 25.05.2021
- Updates dated 21.04.2021
- Updates dated 21.04.2021
- Updates dated 09.04.2021
- Updates dated 06.04.2021
- Board Meeting Outcome 12.02.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 30 dated 12.02.2021
- Board Meeting Outcome 13.11.2020
- Change in Directors 13.11.2020
- Postal Ballot Proceedings 05.11.2020
- Cessation of S. Sundareshan 03.11.2020
- Summary of Proceedings of the 97th AGM
- Board Meeting Outcome 19.08.2020
- BChange in Directors 19.08.2020
- Board Meeting Outcome 24.06.2020
- Other Disclosures dated 24.06.2020
- Material Impact of COVID-19 Updates dated 27.05.2020
- Updates dated 05.05.2020
- Updation of information in view of COVID-19 pandemic
- Board Meeting Outcome 14.02.2020
- Appointment of CG and Secretarial Auditor 14.02.2020
- Cessation of Directorship A. Mukherjee 14.02.2020
- Board Meeting Outcome 14.11.2019
- Change in Directors 14.11.2019
- Summary of Proceedings of the 96th AGM
- Board Meeting Outcome 13.08.2019
- Change in Directors 13.08.2019
- Board Meeting Outcome 30.05.2019
- Board Meeting Outcome 14.03.2019
- Board Meeting Outcome 12.11.2018
- Appointment of Shri Pravin AgrawalM
- Summary of Proceedings of the 95th AGM
- Change in Directors
- Appointment of Shri Vinod S. Vyas and Shri Praveen P. Kadle
- Acquisition of Price Thomas Holdings Limited (PTHL)
- Appointment of Shri B. J. Mahanta, Director and Resignation of Shri R. K. Singh, Director
- Resignation of Shri Kallol Datta, Director
- Summary of Proceedings of the 93rd AGM
- Extension of Managing Director's Term of Appointment
- Change in Directors and Auditors
- Change in DIrectors
- Summary of Proceedings of the 94th AGM
- Board Meeting Outcome 30.05.2018
- Board Meeting Outcome 13.11.2017
- Board Meeting Outcome 30.05.2017
- Board Meeting Outcome 25.11.2016
- Board Meeting Outcome 28.01.2016
- Board Meeting Outcome 30.05.2016
- Board Meeting Outcome 11.08.2016
- About Us
- Brand Heritage
- Global Presence
- Automotive Lubricants
Industrial Lubricants
- Hydraulic Oils
- Thermic Fluids
- Spindle Oils
- Turbine Oils
- Compressor Oils
- Steam Cylinder Oils
- Industrial Gear Oils
- Metal Working Fluids
- Slideway Oil
- Mill Roll Oils
- Pneumatic Tool Oils
- Transmission Oils
- Coolants
- Lithium Based Greases
- Lithium Complex Greases
- Aluminium Complex Grease
- Graphite Greases
- Non-soap Grease
- Cardium Compounds
- Calcium Sulphonate Complex Grease
- Calcium Complex Grease
- Specialities
- OEM Oils
Investor Corner
- Financial and Filings
Shareholders Information
- Annual Report on CSR Activities
- Board of Directors
- Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report
- Familiarisation Programme for Independent Directors
- Intimation of Demat
- Investor Information - Year Wise
- Letter of Appointment Independent Director
- Press Releases and Disclosures
- Proxy Form and Attendance Slip
- Shareholder's Details for Transfer to IEPF
- Details of the Nodal Officer
- Unpaid Dividend
- Contact Details of RTA
- Forms for Shareholders
- Tripartite Agreement with RTA
- SEBI Circulars for Freezing of Folios of Physical Shareholders
- SEBI Online Dispute Resolution Platform
- SEBI Circulars on Online Dispute Resolution
- SEBI Circular on redressal of investor grievances and SCORES Platform
- Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Business Associates' Code of Conduct
- Board Evaluation and Diversity Policy
- Business Responsibility & Sustainability Policy
- CSR Policy
- Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor, and Report Trading by Insiders
- Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair Disclosure
- Dividend Distribution Policy
- Environment Protection
- Material Subsidiary policy
- Policy for Determination of Materiality
- Policy for Registrars & Share Transfer Agents
- Policy of Inquiry in Case of Leak of UPSI
- Policy on Preservation of Document
- Quality Policy
- Related Party Transaction Policy
- Remuneration Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Vigil Mechanism Policy
- Equal Opportunity Policy
- Grievance Redressal Policy
- Sustainable Supply Chain Policy
- IT Policy
- IT Security Policy
- IT Cyber Security Policy
- Child & Forced Labour Policy
- Human Rights Policy
- Stakeholders Engagement Policy
- Working Conditions Policy
- Disclosures under Regulation 46 of the LODR